Medical Pharma Scientific translation

Chiara Pallotti

Freelance translator & online training for translators


since 2008

Hi there! I'm Chiara Pallotti,

a freelance medical translator. I translate from English and Spanish into Italian.

I also offer other language-related services, such as online training courses.

Quality and experience in medical translation

I am an Italian medical translator, with a degree in Technical and Scientific Translation obtained in 2008 from the University of Genoa, in Italy.

I translate mainly in the medical field, from English and Spanish into Italian.

years of experience
completed projects
400 +
language combinations


Translation and proofreading

I translate from English and Spanish into Italian, almost only in the medical field.


I am an interpreter in the English <> Italian combination, only in the medical field, including telephone interpreting.

Linguistic validation

I follow all stages of linguistic validation of Patient reported outcome (PRO) questionnaires.

Training courses for translators

I created two online medical translation courses for translators.

Language combinations

Fields of expertise

Medical expertise

Online training for translators

Since 2014 I have been organising online courses for translators in medical and pharma translation.

My medical translation courses (only in Italian)

Online course on Clinical trials

How do clinical trials work? Which are the phases of clinical trials on human subjects? In this online course we will explore the basic concepts and terminology of clinical trials, so that the translation of clinical trials document will be much easier.

Online course on Drug approval

How is a new drug approved in Italy? What about Europe? Which are the actors and the documents involved? How long does it take for a drug to go through approval? Let’s have a look at the translator’s role in this lenghty and complex procedure.