About me

My name is Chiara Pallotti and I am an Italian freelance translator based in Genoa, Italy.

I am an experienced medical translator

Thanks to my work experience in one of the most important pediatric hospitals in Italy, I have acquired specific expertise in medical translation and pharmaceutical translation.

I am an Italian freelance translator with a degree in Technical and Scientific Translation from the University of Genoa, Italy.

I am an expert in medical translation, from English and Spanish into Italian. In particular, I translate clinical trial documents (study protocols, informed consent, investigator agreeements, etc.) and drug approval documentation (EMA/AIFA regulatory documents).

Furthermore, since 2009 I have been working at the G. Gaslini pediatric hospital in Genoa for an international research network. This allowed me to cultivate an interest in medicine and biology and to offer a highly specialized translation service in this area.

To date, I have translated nearly 4 million words.

2006 - BA in Translation and Interpreting

University of Genoa, Italy

2007-2009 - Italian teacher for foreigners

Genoa, Italy

2008 - 2009 - Assistant trade analyst

Italian Chamber of Commerce, Edinburgh (UK)

2008 - MA in Technical and Scientific Translation

University of Genoa, Italy

Since 2008 - freelance translator, mainly in the medical and pharmaceutical fields
Since 2009 - Research Assistant

G. Gaslini research hospital in Genoa, Italy

Since 2014 - Online courses for translators
years of experience in translation
years of experience in the medical field
successfully completed projects
0 +
translated words
0 + million
cups of tea
0 +

Courses and seminars as a teacher

  • Seminar on How to become a freelance translator for the students of the MA inTranslation - University of Genoa - annually since 2017
  • Member of the expert panel Managing Patient Centricity in Translation andLocalisation Of Clinical Trials during online event Translating Documentation &Communication in Clinical Research - 21 April 2021
  • Online course on Clinical trials for the members of AITI (Italian association fortranslators and interpreters) - 28 May 2022
  • Module on Medical translation for the Masters degree in Specialised Translation Of the University of Parma

  • Courses attended

    These are the courses I attended over the past years.

    • Translating Documentation & Communication in Clinical Research – online event – 21 April 2021 (member of the expert panel “Managing Patient Centricity in Translation and Localisation Of Clinical Trials”)
    • Course Epidemics – the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases, Coursera, May 2020
    • Course The Science of Stem Cells, Coursera, April 2020
    • Conect4children kick off meeting – Berlin (Germany), 23-26 May 2018
    • Horizon 2020 European Research Grants – Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE), Rome – 25-26 January 2018
    • A common data model in Europe? – Why? Which? How? – European Medicines Agency (EMA), London (UK) – 11-12 December 2017
    • Pharmacovigilance – International Research Institute (IIR) – Milan (Italy) – 16-17 February 2016
    • The management of a not for profit clinical trial – organized by the International School of Paediatrics, IRCCS G. Gaslini, Genoa – 29 January 2015
    • Pharmachild study meeting – Utrecht (the Netherlands) – February 2014
    • Study meeting with Bristol-Myers Squibb, the PRCSG and Inventive Health –Princeton, NJ (USA) – 15th-16th October 2012
    • EMA Excellence in Pharmacovigilance: Clinical trials and post-marketing training course, London (UK) – 1st to 5th October 2012
    • Coding with MedDRA, Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte – Bonn (Germany) – 17th April 2012
    • Eudravigilance Information Day, European Medicines Agency (EMA), London (UK) – 15th November 2011
    • Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PRES) conference, Bruges (Belgium) – 14th to 18th September 2011
    • Course on The Ethical Aspects of Paediatric Clinical Trials – organized by the International School of Paediatrics, IRCCS G. Gaslini, Genoa – 28th June 2011
    • Pharmachild study meeting – Utrecht (the Netherlands), 28-29 April 2011
    • Course on Pharmacovigilance in Paediatrics – organized by the International School of Paediatrics, IRCCS G. Gaslini, Genoa – 2nd December 2010
    • European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP) Information Day, European Medicines Agency (EMA), London (UK) – 26th November 2010
    • Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PRES) conference, Valencia (Spain) – 9th to 12th September 2010
    • Course on Clinical Trials in Paediatrics, organized by the International School of Paediatrics, IRCCS G. Gaslini, Genoa – 25th to 27th March 2010
    • Course on Medical and Pharmaceutical Translation, Milan – 9th January and 13th February 2010

    Clients' testimonials

    What do my clients think of me?

    We started working with Chiara in 2012 and since then she has become our reference point for the Italian language in the medical and pharmaceutical fields. Always helpful and friendly, she keeps the agreed deadlines and is very accurate; it is really a pleasure to work with her!
    Direct client / Czech Republic
    We have been working with Chiara since 2012 and we are very satisfied with her work. Chiara is our primary medical translator for Italian and we usually turn to her when we need to translate specialist documents. His expertise in the field of clinical trial documentation is very high.
    PM Translation agency / UK
    Chiara has been collaborating with us for a couple of years for the translation of corporate marketing material for two well known pharmaceutical companies. We were impressed by the quality of her work, precision and attention to detail.
    PM Translation agency / Germany
    Chiara is one of the most professional translators who have worked with us in recent years. Her attention to detail is always constant and I must say that we now consider her part of our team. Never a missed deadline. I couldn't be happier with her work.
    CRO / Switzerland
    Chiara has been working for our agency since 2009. Since then, she has dealt with a large amount of medical and pharmaceutical material, from study protocols, to EMA documents, to marketing studies, always with impeccable results.
    PM Translation agency / Ireland
    Chiara answered to our ad in 2015 and was very professional from the start and her services are excellent.
    PM Translation agency / US